Monday, April 09, 2012
Dr. Syed Imran Murtaza
Medical Superintendent
Fountain House: -
Address: 37-Lower Mall, Near Session Court, Lahore (54000)- Pakistan
Tel: +92-42-37352803-05, 37320402, 37114778
This has been reference to the subject cited above wherein you were called upon to explain the following within period of seven days, but, unfortunately, you have failed to do so.
However, you are once again provided with an opportunity to explain your position within further time of seven days of receipt of this communication.
Consequent upon failure to comply with your commitments in respect of returning money illegally kept by you Dr. Syed Imran Murtaza, Medical Superintendent, Fountain House, Lahore, to the tune of Rs.160,000/- of my real elder brother Mr. Mohi-ud-Din Akram who is not only an innocent citizen and also a resident patient at Fountain House, Lahore for the last several years and till to date no report writing regarding his health and care has been issued to his family. In view of the facts, a LEGAL NOTICE is being served on you to explain the following:
AND WHEREAS, you au courant with the complaint lodged with the office of the Punjab Chief Minister by the undersigned against a fraudulent namely Muhammad Naeem who has been working in the same office while ago, a Punjab Government employee who had fraudulently defrauded his money for illegally preparation of documents for U.S.A. Visa and also for appointing Mr. MOHI-UD-DIN AKRAM in some government department for which he defrauded Mr. Mohi-ud-Din Akram and deprived my brother from his hard money to the tune of Rs.180,000/-.
AND WHEREAS, the complaint was acknowledged and respectively attended by the office of the Punjab Chief Minister (Complaint Cell) Deputy Secretary Mr. Irfan Nazir who recovered the money Rs.180,000/- from the above said fraudulent.
AND WHEREAS, the Deputy Secretary, Mr. Irfan Nazir had brought this money along with the accused Muhammad Naeem to your office and delivered the sum of Rs.180,000/- to Mr. Mohi-ud-Din Akram on 17th June,2011.
AND WHEREAS, you Dr. Syed Imran Murtaza received and kept Rs. 160,000/- out of the recovered money Rs.180,000/-with your self or elsewhere without lawful authority and without intimation and presence of complainant (the undersigned).
AND WHEREAS, you Dr. Syed Imran Murtaza, au courant with the matter and , without consulting and consent of the the undersigned, reimbursed Rs.20,000/- to the above said fraudulent and got signed different papers from Mr. Mohi-ud-Din Akram and kept with yourself all those papers without lawful authority and till date the signed documents have neither shown nor supplied copies or originals to the undersigned despite of demand on several times.
AND WHEREAS, upon visits and phone calls by the undersigned to you Dr. Syed Imran Murtaza have either been escaped from your office or cunningly sharped different excuses on different occasions which strengthened the doubt that there is gross violation, cheating and fraud in the matter and possibly you defrauded and swallowed the recovered money aforesaid for your unknown personal vested interests.
AND WHEREAS, almost 9-Months and 6-Days, you Dr. Syed Imran Murtaza giving no hand and not cooperating to return the money illegally kept by you and deliberately failed to deliver the aforesaid recovered money to Mr. Mohi-ud-Din Akram in spite of my letter dated 28 February 2012 in which I demanded to return the same to my real elder brother.
AND WHEREAS, you Dr. Syed Imran Murtaza is also hereby called upon to explain the reasons as to why you kept the recovered money i.e. Rs.160,000/- without any lawful authority.
AND WHEREAS, you Dr. Syed Imran Murtaza is hereby called upon to explain the reasons as to under which capacity and to why you written off Rs.20,000/- to the fraudulent Muhammad Naeem without the consent of the undersigned (”the Complainant”).
AND WHEREAS, you Dr. Syed Imran Murtaza is also hereby called upon to explain the reasons as to under which capacity and to why you got signatures on the papers from Mr. Mohi-ud-Din Akram while upon my demand the signed papers have ever supplied to me or Mr. Mohi-ud-Din Akram nor provided any certified true copies of the same.
AND WHEREAS, it has been observed with great concern that instead of giving some vocational training or skilled education that can bring him to the normal life, Mr. Mohi-ud-Din Akram has been made peon by you Dr. Syed Imran Murtaza with your office and put responsibilities on him for which he can not take that causes not only serious hazards to his mental health but also physical unfit that tantamount more problems faced by him as he has always been complained regarding undue responsibilities which is entirely contrary to health case measures and also contrary to the vision and mission statements of Fountain House, Lahore.
AND WHEREAS, you Dr. Syed Imran Murtaza is further called upon the explain the reasons as to why and under which capacity, you are used to interfere within the family matters of others, and in the meanwhile, you were advised to refrain yourself from poking your nose into someone’s family matters and keep yourself away and be within the limits of patient’s healthcare which is your absolute duty for which your are being paid by the Fountain House, Lahore and the donors.
AND WHEREAS, you Dr. Syed Imran Murtaza deliberately connivance for attending and redressing the issue causing the undersigned and to the patient Mr. Mohi-ud-Din serious mental torture that leads towards proceeding to be initiated against you in terms of cognizable offense.
AND WHEREAS, keeping in view of above, you Dr. Syed Imran Murtaza is hereby advised to explain the reasons in writing with documentary evidence within the stipulated period of seven (7) days of receipt of this communication, failing which the undersigned reserves the right to take appropriate legal action(s) as warranted under the law.
Be informed, the undersigned has also reserves the right to bring under the knowledge of all stake holders, donors and collaborators and also to take the matter in the media (both national and international) for which all expenses/ costs, and funds, whatsoever, shall be borne by you.
13/10-Fane Road, Lahore.
Brother of;
Mr. Mohi-ud-Din Akram (Patient) at Fountain House, Lahore.
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